27 December 2011

Did you know...?

Many of you may notice the image to the right from the famous 1997 James Cameron hit, Titanic. If you're a fan of Titanic, you might even recall this moment; maybe you remember the head of the ship's band beginning his song as a single violinist, only to finish with the rest of the band accompanying him in playing the song "Nearer My God to Thee". But you may not know that this segment of the dramatization of the disaster is based in commonly accepted fact.

To figure out why it is generally accepted as fact, and to learn more about the factual basis of the song being featured in the film, click "READ MORE".

How is this? The head of the band sailing upon the real Titanic on that fateful April night is generally reported to have stated that, should he be on a sinking ship, he would play (none other than...) "Nearer My God to Thee" before going down with the vessel. Furthermore, many survivors reported that, before the ship went down, the band played "Nearer My God to Thee" (though several other songs have been named, the majority agrees on "Nearer My God to Thee").

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